Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Feeling sick
This is a common pregnancy symptom that will probably improve on its own within 16-20 weeks. Even in extreme cases, this will not complicate your pregnancy and may strike at any time of day. It may be mild queasiness for some women, but many feel waves of nausea all the time and cannot even eat. To make things worse, nobody really knows what causes it, but experts believe rise in hormone levels are to blame and the sickness usually disappears once it settles down.
Coping tips:
1. Nibbling a biscuit and drinking ginger tea in bed before wake up feels better.
2. If cooking smell triggers your nausea, try eating salad leaves and fruits.
3. Sipping fluids throughout the day will prevent dehydration.

Feeling tired
Pregnancy is exhausting and if nausea gets worse, you get over-tired. You may feel a fraud when you’ve got nothing to show for it, but your body is putting loads of energy to nourish your growing baby.
Coping tips:
1. Eat regularly to keep up your energy levels.
2. Get plenty of sleep and rest whenever you can.

Tender breasts
Heavy and tender breasts make pregnancy miserable for some women.
Coping tips:
1. Wear a well-supporting maternity bra.
2. Avoid tight clothes.

Feeling faint
You could feel light-headed or actually faint especially when you stand up suddenly. This is due to the direct effect of hormones of pregnancy. Your body is using up extra energy too and this can also cause faintness.
Coping tips:
1. Don’t go too long between meals.
2. Try a cheese sandwich, a piece of fruit, or a glass of milk, but avoid sugary foods which could make the problem worse.
3. Snacking on healthy starchy carbohydrates can top-up your blood sugar level.

Some light bleeding is not unusual in the early weeks of pregnancy, which is caused by the embryo implanting in the uterus. Usually light spotting or dark brown bleeding with mild cramps is not considered as a major problem. Unfortunately bleeding is sometimes a sign of miscarriage, if it is accompanied by clots and severe cramps.
Coping tips:
1. Call your doctor or midwife straight away, even if the bleeding stops.
2. You may need a scan in Early Pregnancy Unit to make sure your baby is ok.

It is an unpleasant burning sensation in your stomach, sometimes rising up into your throat, which has nothing to do with your heart!
Coping tips:
1. Eat little and often can help.
2. Avoid late-evening dinners.
3. Consult your midwife or a chemist for suitable remedies.

The above discussed are the most common early pregnancy symptoms that cause physical and mental stress. The other symptoms include backache, itching, varicose veins, salivation, vaginal discharge, urinary infection and headache.

Note: This article has been pooled from various sources and I don’t own any copyright for the information.

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